I could enter here a precise review, but too simplify if your below 25 go see it, if your above don’t bother, the visual splendour is not outweighed by the shallow plot, or poorly defined questionable moral structure of badly adapted greek tales, injected like a breast enlargement, with too much silicon violence that doesnt equal the poetry it is trying immitate, its this overt amplification that means its easily burstable as popcorn trash for a mindless generation, obsessed with consumerism and their own tawdry entertainment.
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Film Review : Palindromes

A complex and bizzarre film, anti/pro abortion film elements, just plain weird, a film in which their feels little moral resolution, admirable in this respect and its attempted scope, certain characters appear played by several different characters, perhaps like 3/5 characters intertwining down a plughole into the same moment and role, intersposing their appearances, hinting toward similar internal themes of the character that are more important than the physical appearances of the actors.
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