The multiculturalist agenda

The solution to the problem that is the native identity ?

comment to a writer at the guardian

A tribal nature is built into all human beings from the get go – as a survival mechanism. And parents would kill for their children, which is indicative of exactly how violent the supposedly innocent act of children and family can become. The mistake that empowered self righteous liberals have made is to imagine that everything “multicultural” is superior in all respects, whereas the history and war of unstable cultural groupings would tell us otherwise. Heterozygous relationships and children which you are contributing to, in my opinion – are the only true proven way to ultimately resolve these issues in my opinion – over the long term. A liberal Elite in Government can mandate by law a happy clappy largely non integrative multicultural paint by numbers Britain in which no-one is infringed upon by others, they can even without hard evidence proclaim loose subjective airy fairy words like ‘diversity’ or ‘multiculturalism’ are in some inexplicably superior to other more unified forms of culture. But lets also be honest when you arrive in a culture of largely british people and then are depressed that you do not see enough of your own faces there ? what is the solution ? to artificially replace some of the other faces with more of those faces that make you in particular – feel comfortable? who in particular must pay the price ? I live in an area of london where culturally I’m am in the minority as a native, this also puts some wear on my psyche and british cultural desires, yet I do not write articles claiming that this is wrong and that the solution is to mandate the spread of multiculturalism as far and as wide as possible so that immigrant populations can feel more secure which is fundamentally a never ending wide wedge. What the government in a democracy is in fact supposed to do – is represent the people, now the government also represents large immigrant populations, what those populations must be aware of is their situation in this country was largely ordained by a few of one class over the majority of another class and it is the lower class community who largely paid the price of said immigration, such decisions were never brought before the mass of the people or voted upon democratically. Now we must make the best of the situation … as is, which all people of any sense – clearly realise. It is sad that some person chose to demean your daughter with such a word, but that behaviour is also the result of the reality of multicultural Britain which you so subjectively desire, whether we like it or not.

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