I just did my First windows 8 machine setup which was a replacement for an xp accounts machine, and the truth is this … windows 8 is a god awful kludge, that fails to be a great tablet os, but is a real disaster when it comes to being a proper work based professional desktop os also.
Two things Microsoft need to do right now :
Make a desktop only version of windows 8 built in alongside metro and offer this for free as an option to all windows 8 purchasers the ability to switch their windows 8 into a desktop only mode via a simple preference switch, and enabling when installing windows 8 to simply choose between setup as the desktop version of the OS and metro, dont force this terrible kludge onto users, let them choose which is better for their own work scenario. A tablet os does not a desktop work os make. If i am to pay for a £60 – £90 for an operating system fine but I want to get something for that money not a pile of crap that is hard labour to work into some form I find useable. The metro aspect is a lightweight consumer os for browsing web os and checking a bit of information not for working on productivity wise.
Stop fucking their user arounds offering them to many various bullshit email client offerings ? and give every user of every windows a full on bells and whistles outlook desktop email client consistent to all windows users on every version of the operating systems for free. Not some bullshit metro based imap only full screen crapass must get a hotmail account mail client ? something the equal of full on outlook that can handle pop and imap and can import and export pst files, without any bullshit import export artificial segregation, and throw away all the crap variants out of the equation > live mail, outlook express, windows mail and metro mail and office 365 online offering because all that shit sucks and make all the users differing kinds of email files transportable into this one unified purposeful email client, stopp fucking about and wasting our lives dealing with issues caused by not giving out a free full version of outlook to every user, its the least that can be expected from any operating system that is being charged for at the price microsoft charges for windows nowadays. ie only develop and make outlook professional the top end version and give that to everyone free, if it a needs metro-cised skin then for tablet users then fine.
The current resolutions to solve issues 1 and 2, revolve around third party crap kludges and vast forum research or Reg Editing, making windows 8 currently a pointless turd.
THIRDLY and most importantly :
When I buy an operating system licence I want a licence that allows me to install that one specific operating system license on whatever computer hardware I choose, as long as that licence is only active on one computer at a time, for as long as I deem fit in perpetuity amen, then I am purchasing something that is usefully some form of product, lets be honest windows Genuine advantage is bullshit and has always been bullshit, if I have to pick up a phone to activate my windows in this age of the internet, your system is not working for me as a customer ! only when a licence is in question in the sense that two people are attempting activate the same licence should any questioning occur as to what is going on. All operating systems upon install should have a way of detecting hardware profiles model numbers detected hardware etc and downloading necessary drivers from a central library. such that even an old installer disk will work far into the future, even for hardware the disk itself is unaware of.
Given a week or two I could lay a gameplan to make windows 8 service pack 2 solve all of the major issues and get this operating system back on track, as an OS X user i realise the healthy need of having a few major players in the desktop os environment, And with windows 8 appearing to forcefully suicide the desktop market single handed im quite surprised by Microsoft’s lack of foresight or intelligence in its creation of windows 8, but I guess behemoth organism’s are both slow and stupid in a sadly stereotypical sense.