warcraft region transfer the neverending saga:
This is my 3rd retort to the blizzard corporate bull-spiel i was emailed as to why region transfer 8 years after the making of the game is still an impossibility ?
Your response was the usual rubbish, I’m not sure why blizzard employ people who have no possibility of garnering the respect of game users, on the basis that as employees they can change absolutely nothing at all ? its just a waste of money to employ such people. it would be better to employ no-one in this capacity, and just say the game is how it is, lump or like it, it would be much more honest … rather than suggesting they have the option of developing another char, in another region version of the game ? oh yes ill just spend another 130 days of my life investing in another online character, so you can tell me its your property !!! christ i can if i want stick my cock in a blender also. I don’t need Continue reading