Shale Gas Fracking in Britain

Anybody who thinks there are few consequences to this is deluding themselves, and the idea we will do it better ? its the same damn companies, with the same shareholders to please ? its rubbish, the only ones to benefit will be the companies there shareholders the landowners and the small number of employees, the general public will see little benefit, they cant guarantee what will happen to the water supply if they get it wrong, they dont fully understand how as yet undiscovered pre-existing geology may interact with this drilling, we aren’t getting any better guarantees than america this a desperate attempt to garner energy so as to not face the idea this island might be at capacity in terms of people and providing energy for them, the greenhouse effect from methane pollution is far worse than carbon pollution, methane is 20 times more greenhouse effective than carbon dioxide ?, if methane continuously leaks into natural cave systems and escapes from a myriad of exits the pollution consequences could be much worse for the environment than imagined. We have no guarantees what chemicals will be in use in all the fluids used ? Fracking is a fiscal steamroller sweeping the globe, we have not got the full cost/loss/benefit analysis.

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