Time for humanity to reach nearest possibly habitable planet

Current Nearest possibly habitable planet other than in our solar system.

A: 20.3 light years away

current fastest record for spacecraft velocity :

A: 150,000 mph

the speed of light : roughly 186,000 miles per second

to get our fastest spacecraft speed into the same units of seconds, as the speed of light : (150,000mph ÷ 60) ÷ 60) =

A: 41.6 miles per second is the fastest an unmanned human spacecraft has ever travelled.

Dividing the speed of light in miles per second, by our fastest speed in miles per second.

186,000 mps ÷ 41.6 mps = we currently are able to travel in space 4471.15 times slower than the speed of light.

so how long would it take to travel one way to a star 20.3 light years away ?

4471.15 × 20.3 light years = 90,764.345 years to reach a solar system only 20.3 light years away at a speed of 150,000 mph ?

ok lets enhance that situation by saying theyre might be a habitable planet in nearby alpha centauri 4.3 light years away were still talking.

4471.15 × 4.3 = 19,225.945 years of travel

to make this alpha visiting journey even a 100 year project would involve travelling at a velocity of 7998 miles per second which with accelerating and breaking slowly would no doubt involve going at some speeds faster than that at some point.

basically at a speed of 28,792,000 mph, anyone fancy manouevering at that speed ? through small but hard particles perhaps, the vaporiastion shield and random rock avoidance technology’s would have to be very very very advanced to say the least, steering manually might be out of the question.

being that the speed of light in mph is 6,69,600,000 mph.

and that in a year light travels 5 trillion 865 billion 696 million miles.

you can kind of see that travelling, just one light year is the kind of distance that means unless the LHC discovers something as yet incomprehensible, life is too separated by space to meet up, outside our solar system with current our understanding of science in relation to speed and distance travelled.

id be interested to hear anyone elses view on this

7 thoughts on “Time for humanity to reach nearest possibly habitable planet

  1. Nasa has recenty awarded an ex black female astronaut $500,000 to help her setup a foundation, the title of her submission proposal was “An Inclusive Audacious Journey Transforms Life Here on Earth & Beyond”. Im surprised she didnt end the title with ‘dude’ i mean audacious ! Inclusive ? surely this is just guilt believing white americans handing out money on the basis of skin colour ? Lets face this in a scientific way shall we … rather than ‘inclusive’ ethnic bullshit way. skin colour when it comes to visiting the next fucking star is not the fucking issue, the issue is, the scientific reality of the distances involved, which are not clearly conveyed to the public ! giving them the delusion that this is possible, you dont have to be a mathematics genius to work out the numbers and realise we need craft that travel at around a minimum of 30,000 miles per second at top speed to make this anywhere near feasable. or roughly 4 x the diameter of the earth in a second, face it … if were not fully exploiting the moon and have factorys there, the likeliness of building spacecraft with the scale and performance necessary for the job of reaching the nearest habitable planet is unlikely.

  2. Somente um robô-andróide humanizado suportaria uma viagem de tanto tempo sem ficar louco. Ele poderia gravar imagens, sons, coletar materiais, falar com os aliens e voltar (quem sabe mais rápido, com a ajuda de uma nave alienígena). Se fosse gerenciar projetos na Nasa, um dos itens seria o desenvolvimento de astronautas-robôs. Se quebrar, quebrou. Mandaríamos outro. E ninguém morre ou deixa de abandonar a família para vagar em um espaço vazio por toda a vida.
    Translation from Galician :
    ROBO-ONE only android humanized suportaria Uma viagem wk so long to get mad. He could record images, sounds, coletar materials, talking with the aliens and return (Outline know faster, helps with the alien ship to u). If Fosse manage NASA projetos, um of the items would be the development of astronauts-Robo. If you broke, broke. Send another. And NOBODY dies or fails to leave the family to wander Espace um vazio em for life.

  3. Obama has just barred manned missions to the flippin moon ? which is to say the least several orders of magnititude closer. If we cant manage to mine our local moon which is practically a dead planet for usefull materials not found on earth like helium 3 (obscene energy potential) then the prospect of making it to a goldilocks planets is almost mission impossible, we need to stop living in a consumerist dream, either we sort this planet out first ? which at the moment is looking less likely with a breeding population of 6,903,500,000 people, or we go hell for leather to get of this rock before the environment wipes us out . The word “just” that you use is one of the worlds vast understatements, totally agree with you its a good idea, but the likeliness in the current world climate of doing anything, when so much stupidity appears to rule the world is unlikely. Pity some of this richest arab nations on earth did not waste their money on space flight and developing the moon, before blowing it on marbled and gold villas in desert paradises, but i guess even for them space travel and activity is too expensive an activity to indulge in.

  4. So just need to figure out a way to travel that fast, figure out a way to pack enough food, beer, water, and iTunes to keep the new Adam and Eve and thei 12 generations of family they will produce en route over the course of 322 years of travel and hope they find a planet worthy to land on when they get there.

    Definitely sounds like a goal worth shooting for. Reminds me of a conversation once had with a high level NASA engineer about 6 years ago. He said, “Anyone who thinks we’re being visited by little green men has no clue as to the concept of distance and just how vast space is”.

  5. if 11,000 mps were possible then
    186,000 mps ÷ 11,000 = 16.36 x slower than the speed of light.

    so nearest star 20.3 light years so
    16.36 x 20.3 = 332.18 years to reach that nearest star.

  6. Well watched that seven hawking show. Its said speeds of 11.000 mps should be technically posible, add to that they have found 2 more planets since the program glise (f) & (g) and g being in the goldilocks orbit for life sustaining planets, a journey timee of 73 years could be achievable. Just throwing this out there for all those google searchers. 20 light years.

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