A letter to the government

This Island is overcrowded, overpriced at every turn, you the government is doing nothing to curb exploitative property speculation, in this feudal Britain. As a person who doesn’t claim any form of benefit, who has been renting and saving for years to get on the property ladder, I can clearly see that you the government have no care, You do not put an effective taxational penalty on multiply property ownership in this culture, through taxing rental income, or curbing international buyers, thereby allowing this endgame version of monopoly to escalate out of control, you have failed to garner control of the borders to reduce people pressure on the house resource, the only homes that are getting built or being allowed building permission are non freehold Rowhouses, blocks of flats, or packed in micro housing estates, no Freehold detached affordable homes are being built. AS a person with 800 years familial history in this Isle, I can see you the government are impotent and complicit.

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