A great series worth seeing as its trans national selective theme, shows how one river touches so many people, It comes to no strong conclusion as concerns the river projects, except to say the right thing – which is that – obviously a beneficial balance must be struck between progress the river and it environs and those people who depend on it.
I tend not to like programs that put the presenters name in the title, but at least you know what your getting, not that I wish to perceive any person as the brand or commodity for sale or to promote, as thats not my english cup of tea, this program isn’t about Sue Perkins, its about the Mekong, and Sue does a very serviceable job of representing the river and its various peoples to the viewer, her ideally suited personality to interact with the various peoples met, mild humour and simultaneous humility goes a long way in this respect.
This is a program worth watching – whilst its on iplayer to do so. I think Sue has proven herself worthy of perhaps a few more adventures, if she has the energy for it. episode one link below.
The Mekong River with Sue Perkins
Hopefully when the follow up program is made in 15 years time when Sue is older, this current mekong story will not be a record of disaster and loss.