alternative and cheap UK courier services comparison review ?

looking at the cheap alternative delivery services versus royal mail, some on the web may seem allot cheaper, but if you compare truly like for like then its a different matter.

Lets take a parcel that fits under the medium royal mail parcel size (61cmx46cmx46cm) and under 5kg in weight including tracking and signed for including £100 insurance, for instance allot of laptops fit into this bracket :

Royal mail express parcel express 48 HR tracked and signed for will do this and upto £100 compensation:

COST: £12.99 including the price rise from 1 April 2014

Parcel2go including collection from the door I presume tracked (I’m not sure signed for) delivered by UPS “including upto £100 compensation:

COST: £14.79

interparcel UK standard which is effectively a UPS delivery, strangely wont tell you the full price until you’ve made the booking as the selection of collection time seems final and comes prior to selecting insurance signed for etc and being shown the full price ? and also additional insurance costs more and only has increments of KG for weight selection. but the inc Vat price before £100 insurance has even been additionally selected ?

COST: £13.18

myhermes:Ok MyHermes are cheap for sure but theyre insurance policy seems to exclude insurance on almost everything ? insurance for instance does not cover any electrical items at all? which must rule them out of lots of ebay transactions ? in fact theyre are so many exclusions im not really sure what you can send via them and still claim on the insurance if damaged or lost in transit ? which is why there price is so low but since the insurance is basically void for anything electrical im not sure they’re price really counts unless you don’t need insurance of any kind?

COST: £7.68

I have excluded yodel from this comparison as I had so many issues with yodel by personal experience and collection from parcel shop services or delivery centres, though very good are not delivery to the door etc.

“High Speed Broadband” yeah right – the end of net neutrality we will get it – i.e. when its worthless

Gigabit ethernet 1000Mbps was ratified in 1999
and BT want me to thank them for providing a network speed that doesn’t even reach 100base T / 100Mbps speeds ? introduced in 1995

Basically we need to congratulate them on providing 20 year old network standards to our houses as high technology ?

Im sure in the media boardrooms they fear giving people unfettered gigabit ethernet speeds ? what would they do if they could download at 100Mb a second, The media rights industry trembles, the reason you don’t have it is they fear to give it you, I guess when they can filter control and limit your access to the internet utterly, is when they will offer it ie when its pointless to have it, after all unfiltered untampered and unfettered data access to a global packet neutral data network is too scandalous to offer anyone … right ?

sheep we are withnal