noctua the brown defence ?

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are u 12 year old kid? u want red and black? u moron. gtfo Noctua makes products with 6 year warranty with coolest logo out there and the colors with attitude. not that teen black blue shit.
kalidoresdan in reply to MastermindChawc1337 (Show the comment) 8 months ago

“colors with attitude” ? attitude ? thats exactly what I expect from a teenager, not an austrian quality fan manufacturer ? maybe we should see what other gear kolink make ? also make your fan product packaging completely out of paper , no plastic in the packaging, as its not necessary and is greatly less recycled in the waste stream.
beingatliberty in reply to kalidoresdan (Show the comment) 1 second ago
i also agree with ryan morgan get off your arse and bother to make your fan range fully PWM and make your fans able to do PWM sharing, like the arctic models I use, as if my machine is idling, why would I want my fans running at more rpm than needed at anyone moment ? actually buying up arctic get access to their pwm sharing tech, combine forces and make the best fans ever including your new noise cancellation tech.
beingatliberty in reply to kalidoresdan (Show the comment) 1 second ago
i think the kid is the one that says “the coolest logo” ? system builders have to have brown because noctua think they can afford not to listen to their customers ? having them brown does not improve theyre function, noctua use the brown as a product differentiator like some kind of silly brand fashion insistance. youre defence of such decisions makes you a partial fanboy or an employee.

Dear Esther not an avant garde original game ?

Narrative environment exploration games are not novel, dear esther is not a first, I could name 10 exploration art based story environments that are the parents of dear esther. Environments artists in second life have been doing this for years before you. “Bryn Oh” and black swan rezzable in second life, being a great environment story artists who far precede dear esther ? And would you like to lay some credit at the door of the myst series ? I hope you have retained Briscoe ?