A4e Emma Harrison, cunts in government waste taxpayers money … Surprise … Surprise …

Emma Harrison who runs A4e, whose main premise seems to be to pay poor family’s to get back into work through some kind of convoluted bullshit marketed, taxpayer funded slush fund, ie just another more complex form of benefits funded no doubt on government debt, that some future generation of taxpayers is supposedly going to payoff. With results which the company itself describes as ‘missing its targets’ > meanwhile the government gets to remove the people on such taxpayer funded schemes from the unemployment figures ?

in this process Emma Harrison herself becomes £8.4 million wealthier in just one year !!!!!! well at least this government funded scheme is working for someone ?

A £160m-£180m is leeched from the imaciated taxpayers arse, directly into this private company, it has no other source of income ? as so many other public sector outsourced companys thrive by just pure leeching from the taxpayer, and A4e’s shareholders ?! were paid £11m in dividends ?! so effectively £11m just went direct from taxpayers pockets into making private shareholders wealthier ? wow super efficient way for the government to spend !

read the story here

and here

But does she give a shit ? I doubt it, she’ll fuck off sheepishly to some place where they dont care where she stole her money from , just like any other criminal ?