BAE cutting staff again, and blames taxpayers military spending cuts.

Thank goodness for military cuts ?

BAE cutting lots of staff ? why ? because they only made £2.21billion profit ! ie they’re profits were only up 0.8% on 2010 WTF !?
And what do they blame they’re so called lack of performance on ? The fact that the taxpayer basically funds these companies so that shareholders can make a profit, and they’re losses are due to taxpayers giving them less tax money for free ! to make profits on, for theyre shareholders. Fiscally whichever way you look at it these companies are dependant on tax revenues for theyre existence, and so are all the employess, but worse the shareholders are basically leeches sucking up tax revenues.

The fact that manufacturing weapons regardless of the scientific or intellectual merit involved is fundamentally a morally bankrupt idea for human progress unless we count human depopulation through military violence programs as a good thing for the success of our species overall ? I mean seriously why is taxpayers money being wasted on this pointless shit ? all those researchers and scientists intelectual strength that does exist at firms like BAE should be diverted into creating a silicon valley in this country, no building, more shit weapons at the taxpayers expense for the profit of shareholders. Making our own silicon valley would benefit british taxpayers more than weapon systems manufacturers.

Fundamentally BAE cant class themselves as a private company, purely because the majority of they’re earnings stems from the governments of the world’s tax revenues, ie indirectly or not they’re just another syphillitic leach on tax revenues. After all what other private entitys are allowed to buy weaponry ? It’s only governments that buy weapons therefore its only taxpayers that are footing the bill ?

RBS are a bunch of total cunts !

No bonus allowed if there aren’t any profits … judged as a whole operation, it would seem to make sense to me ? and we the majority public shareholder should decide if there are any bonuses to be paid ? when there are profits. This seems relatively simple to deal with Mr cable ? Write the bill and push it through parliament, as long as those super fascist liberal fogies dont kick the bill in the nuts like they did with the benefits cap !!! peers you better not fuck democracy over again ! in changing anything for the better in this country.