BBC ID website comments feature worthless : “A false sense of democracy”

OK I bothered to waste the time to create a BBC ID login, and add a comment to one of the “FEW” articles that are available to comment on the BBC corporation push based media website( ie its nominally interactive )

The article got up to 738 comments and they locked it from anymore comments.

The comment system on the BBC website is token and pointless and here are the reasons why :

1: every comment is censored by a paid human being for political correctness and language, (A total profligate waste of license money) since the comments after this process can never be said to represent free opinion, or allow for any negativity or criticism toward the beeb, it is automatically a pointless system !

In contrast to a ‘were all adults’ approach ie a completely free self moderated system.(all they need is a disclaimer of liability ?) after all if idiots want to chase theyre tail getting upset by comments on a website allow them to, but at least they’ll get a realistic view of the full spectra of opinion of the public ? whereas as the beebs approach has always been to sanitise public opinion to some absurd politically correct fascist liberal agenda > which is in no way democratic.

2: Very few articles Continue reading

Boycott the overpaid and the benefit dependant

it means you cant watch football > no sky packages
you dont buy any fashion brands
place your money in co-operative non shareholder banks.
you try not to Rent of Property magnates
you avoid paying media moguls any money > sky , virgin , murdoch etc

im down with it, its just most of the shitheads in this culture, who cant handle it.

the hardest one to avoid is the overpaid shareholder of supermarket giants > now thats a toughy ?
and can you dob in those who cheat the benefit system ?

the modern british youth born after 1980

You were born into an era, dipped and fully immersed in a state of cultural programming heavily bent towards viewing immigration an immigrants as fine and “normal”, I forgive you your viewpoint it is not your own, propaganda has been fed to you through the media/school/culture/middle class perspective. wait till you or your children cant get into a school a job, own a home, one day you might have a different viewpoint. Do not speak for this nation, that is an arrogance of youth & politicians