Well the claiming classes whose rent is paid for by taxes are as always protected from real poverty by claiming from other peoples taxes for theyre survival, they are not the truly poor, these state paid for renting people are in league with the multiple house owning landlords set, to defraud the taxpayer of lots of money. As they dovetail nicely together for each others benefit.
The landed and farming sets have for the last 40 years been supported endlessly by european farming or set aside subsidy, so the landed are protected, except from their own inability to claim subsidy. set aside is a bit like a benefits system to encourage lazy farmers to do less, which has encouraged them to be unproductive, a bit like a benefits for the unemployed has created jobs for foreign workers on this land.
The key workers have benefited from endless government fosterance including entry into cheaper property and mortgages, now as concerns nurses in this country most of whom are foreign imported for instance, this policy seems to be benefiting foreign imported people mainly. And now the armed forces personnel are being moved on to this key list ? easier access to mortgages etc, who have always been daddied by the state and the parent figure army organisational body in general, until of course they leave the forces and get a sudden shock as to what civvy street is all about. Extra token funding for schools in which army children go to makes sense, to compensate for being moved around so much.
I went to 12 schools and didnt get any compensation academically for the disturbance, the subjects that suffer are pyramidal ones maths and english, science a little, but less so. but its this idea of positive discrimination that gets me, people are so thick they dont realise its reverse class racism, preferential treatment, rather than as it should be equal treatment for all, except those who “too well” serve themselves ie those with criminal tendancys who attempt to defraud every system for their own benefit, and those who genuinely weak and to moral would suffer too much, you may measure the civility of a country by how the least able survive it within it.
Imagine if the army … is only just capable of bending the prime ministers arm to try and help theyre members out, what chance does a native individual who belongs only to this culture, and not any minority or heavily membered lobbying group etc, Have of getting his voice heard ? … None is the answer, the individual today is no more powerful than they were 100 years ago. If you dont belong to cartels and groups, your fucked for any representation in democracy unless of course you have recourse to money to attain it, or to enable you to be immune form the vaguery’s of culture in the first place. this is the truth kids learn it now !
Immigrant people are these the poor ? not if they’re claiming asylum or have achieved citizenship, as in reality they are treated just as well or more likely better, than native people on benefits, how you may ask ? well because they are given priority on housing, and from the arrival are inculcated into the system of claiming and how it works, and the councils have european based obligation to house every fucker from this background, and will claim better than a native person who has moral qualms about claiming.
Oh of course people who cheated on the benefits systems and were asked by the government to repay the money, have now been informed they dont need to, if you cheat the benefit system we will not ask you to pay anything back, these were people who failed to notify of a change in circumstance, so now even benefit defrauders appear to have free rain to misbehave.
the small business entrepreneur and the self employed dependant on their ability are in fact not favoured in anyway.
But the real poor, are the native young poor today, who through moral background and upbringing are just above the claiming classes, yet never rich enough to afford property, this is the true poor, for the taxes on money they earn are spent on helping everyone else without receiving any benefit themselves, ie they are putting more in than they receive, and the meagre savings they have are not rewarded with proper interest because the government are holding the interest rate so low in order to benefit the multiple property owning class. they also now realise the baby boomer generation have pretty much sewn up property ownership in this country to such an extent, therye beginning to realsie they will never own property unless they inherit or take control politically enough to affect real change in this culture.
This government is evil, for it benefits only those of immoral nature who shout and demand for themselves out of the pockets of those who are less vocal, its a form of bullying and extraction from certain a lower middle class people who dont own property.
We definately should of at some point in history had a revolution in this country, as the french did for it would have cleansed the land of all those who think it is moral to disenfranchise the many, for theyre own benefit and that of small cartel of other self serving elites.
Today these family names and types still have the majority of power in the land, they dress it up with the idea of being politicians and democracy, the only democracy anyone has in this country is to elect a a differentially branded set of similar class duffers to come in and fuck theyre country up once every four years. If you think that is democracy of any worth then you are sadly deluded.
The only way to send this government a message is to have a mass protest of money withdrawal from banks and store it under your mattress, or at least move your money to one of the last cooperative banks that doesnt have shareholders, move into the claiming class for all your worth, until the system is broken, and spend as little money as possible to bring the economy to its knees, until the government decides to listen to that small non house owning, non claiming poor person who contributes more than they take from the system, yet seems to get gipped in terms of our opinion being taken into account decision making wise at every turn, by this supposedly democratic process, by every loud mouthed minority group of self servers.
the government has not represented the people of this land for 40 years, it has represented the few.