C4 on demand

C4 on demand adverts ruin their online offering, advertising is the media syphillis of the 21st century.

and as for iggy pop may he be ostricised for selling out to car insurance, hes not the only one lets face it, but hey he probably feels he still needs money to protect his wrinkly old ass in his oap years 64 and counting, not the many of us care whether hes comfortable in his wrinkly years id rather he was paid for by the state, pity hes an american as there aint no state care, so he probably has to do those kind of adverts like some kind of trick pony, and we have to put up with more advertising. and the poor fucker doesnt have any children to pass the legacy of nought on to, so from here hes just wrattling down to the grave. and all the vigour of youth and high five energy rock bullshittery is but a faded dream turned sour.

Speeding orthodox jewish cabbie cheat caught !

I have to give totallyjewish.com at least some credit for outing theyre own misbehaving jewish brethren orthodox speeding cabbies or otherwise, if only they could out the orthodox jews who seem to have totally flouted all laws as regard planning applications to build huge extensions to their houses in stamford hill, and then use enormous familys and religion as an excuse that they shouldn’t be knocked down. And who also appear to have some jewish friends working in the council, who appear to have buried the neighbours complaints of said extensions for years.

notice how ones religious prediliction can get ones sentencing deferred, so one can observe “high holidays” Continue reading

Israeli anti-terrorist officer runs brothel in UK

one of the most interesting things about this page from totallyjewish.com, is it demonstrates the crazy insularity and masonic club nature of jewish culture : the part of the page that mentions “Directory : From caterers to communal organisations, search through the most comprehensive listing of Jewish businesses and services in the UK” as though somehow non jewish business are not to be used or trusted for jewish people, this really I think perfectly illustrates how jewish people see themselves as a group apart in whichever culture they live in and never really want to integrate ? this for me is the kind of jewishness i dislike, the insular and self serving type of jewishness, obviously this is not all jewish people as I know plenty of nice moderate ones. who might use business other than just jewish ones.

Now note the morality of our culture where we give people a prison sentence and let foreign people remain and live in this country who have run brothels, say compared to despotic absolute monarch culture in dubai where there morality extends to say imprisoning people who simulate sex on a beach , and then deporting them, I mean I may not approve of their lack of supposed democracy and the royal ruler scenario, but give em points for having moral standards and sticking to their guns and acting with integrity.

To be honest if I had my way, I would evict foreign people who commit crime in this country, especially if they have retained dual nationality.

note how 180 days is described as equivalent to a twelve month prison term ? im sorry when did 180 as a number become equivalent to 360 ?

Who pulls the strings of UK immigration ?

businesses demands more immigration : surprise sur – fucking surprise. Well if these businesses need to import skilled Indians and Americans ?! then perhaps theyre not benefiting british people that much by offering british people jobs ? therefore perhaps they can fuck of or outsource elsewhere ? as London culturally has enough immigrants to last an infinity ?

Screw the Italian Pontiff

Is he here at our expense ? I hope im not paying for his presence, and why is he being seen by all our dignitarys, I agree this is not a state visit and should not be portrayed as one either. This is the guy whos shitty religion oppressed these isles for way to long and now only survives by importing immigrants to bolster their flock in my country, in other words catholicism is dependant on immigration being a given in my country. So as far as im concerned it can go the way of the wind, as it is against my peoples future.

The health of england socially

sorry a long read , I know all this crap should be in video form or something more currently palatable or an immediate medium.
written in response to a post by vexen from 2004 ? about the UK
Some of your points are validly made your obvious love of europe is unjustified, your guilt over colonialism is also pointless hypocritical as it wasnt your generation, and does not aid the future. colonialism was mainly done by the Joanna Lumley classes of this world, and is their guilt familially if she wishes to assume it not mine, mine were mainly dying down a pit or of TB. And she also does not have the right to manipulate the culture into acheiving a decision that benefits her personal family history.

things I agree :
too much trash and entertainment based culture :
sport , alchohol , celebrity, entertainment, vacuos mindless crap agreed.

But in the 1940’s it wasnt the case ? what was the difference ? the difference in propoganda, the sense of unity acheived by a non multicutural culture that was assured of itself and directed to a communal purpose, thats what makes a people happy : sad but true : populations dont get like this by accident, too much importation of american values : money is god, private enterprise can set the directional agenda of a country and competition protect the population from the worst excesses of capitalism : WRONG
Multi culturalism is quite obviously the way NOT to create a harmonious unified country : as proven by our segregative experiment in it and the americans, yet neither the government or the media appear to wish to accept responsibility for the mistakes they chose to enforce upon certain already deprived class groups in this country. it doesn’t seem to have worked from my perspective, we have a complete lack of unity in this country, and I a native grow iller every day by being forced to swallow this propoganda diet from the media about how multiculturalism is a success, in my opinion has truly an permanently fractured and fucked england for good, and scotland wales and ireland dont know whats coming for them yet populationally, london is the future of this little aisle and trust me its an ugly soulless place full of enforced propoganda and jingoism. In which foreign religions and culture are nothing more than a masonic lodge for those that enter this country and setup “community” in order to have advantage over the more evolved amicable non groupist joiners.
theyre should only be three groups anyone should subscribe to :
self, family, country, thats it !
imo DEATH to more immigration, than that which we have currently suffered in the last 40 years, thats enough.
Imagine living in a europe where nationality and the meaning of cultural identity has been washed away apart for those who have emigrated, and become some kind of additional protected minority species ie the native has no identity, where france and germany appear to be pretty much the same, where governance is weak and industry rules your life, and they can exchange you without guilt for anyone more eager anywhere in europe, and you arent 1 in a town of 400,000 looking for work your one in a greater population of 830,000,000 :europes total. where you child or grandchild must compete for a place at the best school in your area against anyone else in europe who chooses to just move next door to you tommorow. You thinks thats going to be a better future ? more democratic you think your voice is going to be heard louder amongst that swell of people ? of course not, the liberty to move to another country to taste some different culture today is not enough of an advantage to wash away and dissolve all the cultures of europe in the near future, it is precisely that diversity of takes on ways of existence & human destiny that makes cultures interesting to visit at all in the first place. Multiculturalism has diluted beyond recognition any sense of english culture being alive in N London, where I live come live here if you want to feel your not living in england at all anymore.

Being a small country is an advantage in many ways, it should make us more agile and mobile, well at least it would if europe wasn’t already deciding our destiny and over-rulling us on everything, making UK democracy which is already anemic practically pointless.

Death to all religion, including your satanism ! I never join a group if I can help it, Religion spread its cancerous beliefs in a vain attempt to survive, in to the third world, with the salesmans that are missionarys, just in the same way british and american tabacco tried to capture markets in africa, once markets in europe became wise. and could no doubt be modelled likewise also. Part of my family historically was historically a bit infamous at the the preaching malarkey, so im pretty certain to understand its pros and cons. DEATH to vanity, pop culture, entertainment and a lack of personal morals, the worship of money and self, and the general human hideousy.

And death to that belief that there is no hope in the UK, theres plenty of hope if only we can ever get some balsy politics in this country, that doesnt spend twenty years pandering to every minority lobbying group religiously or ethnically rather than the individuals of england equally …who voted.

The next british democratic choice after the no choice of “more labour or cameron eton prig” we supossedly have is between two pushy jewish brothers ? the Millibands, wow the choice im falling over myself, whichever one wins I think still counts as a win familially for them. Its almost as bad the americans electing bush junior , why do americans not despise nepotism ? Why is democracy so pointless in this country ?

visit my site neuralmap.com if you wish to here any more of my ruddy propaganda lol. the futility of noise on the internet, I swear sometimes the internet was the next great diversion invented by someone to stop us noticing the decline of culture.