bbc be more representative of the native person

the lack of comment and ability to give some public feedback about issues/articles raised, feels like a kind of censure, but then you always have feared the public views being known, because you have your own specific agenda. well perhaps if comments are pointless due to quantity, how about a system of polls, with multiple choice answers alongside the articles ?

ie should there be greater international pressure on Isreal to stop throttling its neighbour gaza to death, an turning the native palestinians into a minority population within a greater state of Isreal.

• yes
• no
vote now

we need more democracy not less in this country, and the role of the media should be to help facilitate this concept, not silence the voice of the majority so that highly vocal powerfull overly pc minority groups rule, through some form of enforced supposedly positive discrimination, in which journalists or upper class politicos mediate the opinion and set the agenda for the rest of us. Continue reading

academy’s and cameron oh dear

Great now even more ditzy niche schools for the posh, cultural different, religiously primitive have been green lighted by cameron and this further outsourced academy setup, Camerons seriously knows how to really fracture and divide further this already heavily fractured country.

National trust alien plant removal

thank god at last somebody has realised that the victorian obsession with plant collecting, zoo’s and the general transport of creatures to this isle, placed huge pressures on the native species in this country unnecessarily, and the process of attempting to protect native species and habit by plant removal is important.

Next perhaps we can recognise the pressure the native urban young poor of this country have been forced to deal with, through excessive immigration. Or how that this immigration must inevitably dilute native culture.