why not to stick a picture of your pretty GF on the web ?

Why you may ask whats the harm ?

well take this picture :


now do a tineye search, and you will discover the girls image is on all sorts of sites ? yet has this girl agreed to be on any of the above sites, or was this just a snap taken by a friend ? and because she is particularly pretty her images is being repurposed by lots of dodgy sites ?

if this is you in question in the image, i will be happy to remove this image of you, but this post is to highlight exactly how one image can be repurposed on the web without permission and can be extremely difficult to control and police who is using what image, as such if you dont want such images to be widely distributed then be carefull about uploading them.

Then on the other hand maybe the girl in question is happy with some attention, just not from allot of the places its coming from.