Gift card shiny writing surfaces ? why O why ?

why do gift cards have shiny writing surfaces, you would almost think they were in collusion with BIC pens ? for they are the only kinds of pens that write successfully on them, without waving a card around ludicrously whilst on a bus, waiting for the ink to dry and then eventually having to use another peice of paper to blot with. Gift Card manufacturers get it together please ? after all it is your only job, to design cards, therefore I would hope you would do it well ?

Apple Mac OS X Updates too large

10.5.6 to 10.5.7 as a combo update 729mb even on standard broadband thats way heavy for an individual download ? multiply that up by the average number of users ? its a crazy waste of bandwidth, and i very much doubt all that update is patching its probably just wholesale replacement and cruft that might be needed. they need to work on trimming these updates down in size, and maybe fixing something more important like the poorly controllable search functionality in mac os x.

Periodic Elements

email to the periodic table of videos

Enjoying the videos very much.

One thing I might ask is that all videos have an explanation of what are the properties of the material , and some kind of statement about their usefullness to humanity as it seem the allot of these newer substances are so unstable that it seems that theyre production is just a stunt to prove it can be done, where no practical application maybe made of them, not to say that discovery is not beneficial in and of itself, but could some of these elements be described in such a way as to describe what the point of them might be, for instance the copernicum video bangs on about its naming, but nothing about what it might be usefull for ? and this substance has been known of for 10 years but no statement about its properties is usefully made ? Does this mean that a large number of these elements that are being created by particle accelerators are practically useless stunts on the basis they dissappear almost as fast as they are created ?

d morgan


religion is a parasitic concept, that thrives on irrationality, it evolves like bacteria and has proven to be very addictive, and much like smoking theyre always seem to be new converts. The question when are we going to face up and evolve beyond these old books of fiction.

Greedy Festivals surprise surprise

V charging people obscenely for programmes, water, alcohol and confiscating alchohol and water on entry, who wants to pay to be a captive market at the mercy of ripoff merchants, its about music if you want to see an artist see them at a venue individually, screw getting ripped off at a festival. The commerciality of this country makes muppets of everyone, my advice ignore the festivals, theres nothing civilised remnant in them. Save your money instead, not that this bankrupt government will encourage you with any reasonable bank of england base rate.

Traffic Wardens Finsbury Park

Why do we seem to have a surfit of traffic wardens in Finsbury Park, can someone explain this to me ? I was on the street the other day walking down Tollington park, It is no joke to say I was in plain sight of 6 traffic wardens on one street, are they coagulating into gangs now ? And also why are they all black ? are we importing civil servants from Nigeria or something whats going on ? Perhaps we have a training school for trafic wardens that are over policing our streets with wardens, thats my only conclusion.

Abortwood … please

This program opens with a bus full of Highland 50’s jumpered kids on a bus, pretty good so far :) at least unlike … “Doctor Who”, the progenator of this abortwood foetus, it didn’t attempt to paint multi ethnicity back further than is realistic, into our history, for the sake of not offending viewers with a bus full of white children … heaven forbid. From this high point the show gets worse by turns, its definately aimed at pre-pubescant idiots, these staring modern overweight podgy unexcercised child actors trying to do a poor “Midwich Cuckoos” impression, really puts me off my tea, but then on the other hand the adult acting is barely beyond pubescant, because most adults today have been groomed to be overconsuming oversize monetarist children, with about as much depth as a puddle, so no wonder the acting is so artificial, that anglo american theme of plastic acting and bloated amplified plot seems to run throughout. This is more “Torcherouswood” or “Abortwood” than entertaining. Why is the TV license tax paying for this forced multi-cultural paint by numbers actors benefits club ? The plot is so obscene, all children in the world stop and do a excorcist impression, and it’s not in the mainstream media ?!!? wtf

Even the Midwich Cuckoos didn’t try and push the concept of the all the children in the world being affected. I mean at least try and put some believe-able elements in the story, its the over-inflated distended nature of everything they do, its so childish and american, And the main actor bringing his sexuality into the show, promoting man couples to the youth of today, really makes you want to vomit. The Rupesh recruitment scene is vomit worthy, the welsh loud gwen totty reinforcing the idea of a big paycheck, being such a laudable quality in a “childrens show” ? well I guess people who work in the media wouldn’t be able to filter that one, from a moral perspective.
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