ok rick rolled and scare screen joke videos are uploaded by the dumbest people, why do people keep ruining you tube by uploading infantile rubbish, stop doing these videos its boring ! and highly unoriginal ! get some intelligence ! if they’re were any parasites in your food chain, idiots like you would cloud the issue with such rubbish joke videos we would never even know the truth. Then of course your beef is really full of steroids and your milk is full of hormones, and both pumped full of antibiotics. But I guess the rest of the commenters who seemed to love it are testament to the fact the majority of people are idiots.
ok rick rolled and scare screen joke videos are uploaded by the dumbest people, why do people keep ruining you tube by uploading this infantile rubbish, stop doing these videos. It’s boring ! Highly unoriginal ! It is not your job to take a genuine video and spoof it in an endlessly generic way and upload the result to youtube. Do you not see how you are diluting the point of youtube ? if every person in the world uploads a rick rolled or scare joke video, youtube will not be worth browsing ?
rick rolled and scare screen jokes are the cancer of youtube, ok done with it now please.